
Thursday, August 15, 2013

I'M BACK !!!!!

"It's me, I'm back with the jump off. Goons in the club in case something jump off."

Oh my! Have I become "ratchet" in my absence? Quoting Lil Kim raps as my re-introduction to my blog. Don't judge me, I guess that I am just excited to be back.

Anyway where do I begin???? So much has happened in my life. I guess I understand why some musicians take time to put out new material. I needed to live and experience some thing's so that I had something to write about. Now, I might have a little too much to say.

I'll just say that I have experienced many things in my absence some good and some not so good. But what I am proud to say is that I definitely have grown and changed for the better. I plan to use my blog as a platform to just express whatever it is that I am feeling. (This could be scary.)

But so I don't bore you to death. Let's just get started!

Before I forget, thanks for stopping by and being entertained by my chaos!

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